Forum Leaders...what would a softball forum be without meaningless stats?

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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Batting average: (Thanks per total posts)

Javasource: 2.57
Rick Pauly: 1.419
Boardmember: 1.051
Hillhouse .971
Riseball: .961
JJsqueeze: .881
Goingdeep: .513
Sluggers: .475
Five Frame Swing: .430

Slugging percentage: (Thanks per thanked posts)
(only posts where at least 1 thank is received are counted)

Bill Hillhouse: 4.05
Javasource: 3.48
Boardmember: 3.07
Rick Pauly: 2.66
Sluggers: 2.32
Riseball: 2.21
GoingDeep: 2.20
JJSqueeze: 2.12
FiveFrameSwing: 1.30

Hits: (Total Thanks)

FiveFrame: 4250
JJSqueeze: 3444
Riseball: 3341
GoingDeep: 2186
Sluggers: 2089
BoardMember: 1678
Javasource: 1216
Rick Pauly: 775
Hillouse: 410

(Yeah! I'm mediocre!)
Last edited:
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I took me a little while but I removed a lot of thanks and added a bunch of others.

Eric you are in the top 5 now.

Will I be getting a PayPal invoice? ;)

Damn. I need to stop posting so much. It's ruining my batting average.
Mar 28, 2013
to much moderator ball going on here, Im grabbing my lawn chair and cooler and heading to the outfield before the drama starts;)
Feb 7, 2013
Sluggers - you make a better prosecutor than a mathematician. I demand a recount. I know for a fact that my "Batting Average" is higher than yours :D