Elbowing catcher punished

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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
So that said; what discipline was meted out to the coach?

Yes! It seems, at least on the national level, that HS coach has received a free pass. It doesn't seem right that the player's TB coach took more heat trying to defend the player's character than the HS coach did for not taking any action at all!
Oct 19, 2009
Threats were made to catcher.

Threats were made to the catcher that were taken seriously enough to involve police.

Earlier in June, a high school softball catcher in Texas made headlines when she elbowed two opposing players as they ran to home plate. Now, she’s getting some unwarranted abuse.

Needville High School’s catcher was disciplined for her vicious actions — which school superintendent Curt Rhodes told KHOU.com were “isolated incidents” that were “truly out of character” — during the school’s Texas 4A championship game loss. But that apparently didn’t stop people from sending her threats and hateful text messages.

The threats were concerning enough to get police involved, too.

“The local police have been called due to unidentified individuals lurking around her family’s home,” Rhodes said. “Our student-athlete and school district will be fine, but it is sad that we live in a world where adults work at harming our youth.”

Elbowing players in the face certainly isn’t OK, but neither is threatening a teenager for making a dumb decision, especially considering the other team actually won the Texas state championship.

Softball Catcher Who Elbowed Opponents Received Threats After Incident | High School | NESN.com


Jun 11, 2015
I wonder what threats she received. Were people saying stuff like 'im gonna knock you on your butt'?

Threating people is wrong but its hard for me to work up tears for a certified cheap shot artist.
Jun 12, 2015
What she did was wrong but she's a teenager. Threats against her for a stupid mistake that resulted in no injuries seems pretty extreme.
Nov 26, 2010
1. Yes she should have been disciplined in game, if that happened after the first one we would have never known her name.
2 Coach should have done something early on. His/her fault for letting it go further. There should be a meeting with the AD and the district to discuss the future of the program.
3 Yes the School District had to do something, if 1 or 2 were done they would have been off the hook. But since it wasnt the sc'hool's name is being dragged through the mud and they had to do something.
4. Maybe this will end the call for consequences and this is something she can put behind her. People want "justice" and if it was left hanging out there, then perhaps the school she is committed to might have felt it was up to them to mete out justice by pulling their offer.
5 Ronda Rousey would break off this girl's arm in 20 seconds. And not as punishment but merely its how she does her job.
6. Regardless of what she did on the field, which looked bad, no adult should be threatening any kid.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
As any FYI, players and coaches have been disciplined in the two school districts I have worked in for their actions on the playing field/court regardless of what the game officials have done. It's also happened to me.

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