Early video of my kid.

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I agree Bob. She has been asked to play every weekend since her season ended. You are right, pitching is one thing most teams need.
Feb 20, 2015
Thanks for posting CB. Seems she had an amazing work ethic as a kid and lots of dedication. Reminds me a lot of a girl that graduated from Marquette High in our area a couple of years ago. You probably know who I am talking about. I work in the city that she lived, and would see her and her mom at our local park almost every day working on pitching. When her mom wasn't there she would be there hitting off a tee by herself. Winter months, she would set up a net and hit and pitch into it in a Rec center here in town.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Thanks for posting CB. Seems she had an amazing work ethic as a kid and lots of dedication. Reminds me a lot of a girl that graduated from Marquette High in our area a couple of years ago. You probably know who I am talking about. I work in the city that she lived, and would see her and her mom at our local park almost every day working on pitching. When her mom wasn't there she would be there hitting off a tee by herself. Winter months, she would set up a net and hit and pitch into it in a Rec center here in town.

... and if your town is EA, I used to be a Rec Director there. J.S. her Dad and I are good friends and I grew up in that town. Heck, I was there yesterday. Yes, I know exactly who you are talking about. Oh, and I graduated from EAWRCHS.
Jun 18, 2013
EAWRCHS? That is one heck of an acronym for a HS. You sure you couldn't work a few numbers or some hieroglyphs into it?


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
East Alton Wood River Community High School. I could sing the school song for you if you'd like. LOL! BTW, it doesn't mention East Alton but does Wood River.
Feb 20, 2015
... and if your town is EA, I used to be a Rec Director there. J.S. her Dad and I are good friends and I grew up in that town. Heck, I was there yesterday. Yes, I know exactly who you are talking about. Oh, and I graduated from EAWRCHS.

Wow....small world. Yes that is exactly who I was referring to. She is a good kid, same age as my son and was friends growing up. Hell of a softball player.
JS is my current boss lol, and EAWRCHS class of 1989 here....go Oilers.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Ilsoftballfan, we have a lot in common. I graduated in a year that started with 19 as well. LOL. Go Oilers.

Now, is your dd a catcher?
Feb 20, 2015
Yes, was a catcher. Had spinal fusion last year due to scoliosis. Three rods and 18 screws.:eek: Her one year post-op comes at the end of July and she will be cleared to return to most activity. Have one,possibly two more appointments with PT doc at Washington U. I don't know if she will attempt to return to softball or not. I am leaving it totally up to her if she returns to the field or not. The only thing I have told her is I don't think it is worth the risk to return to catching. She is also on the cheer squad and is more into that at the moment, so I don't know.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Oh. Not the catcher I thought she might be. Good luck to your dd. Man that sounds tough. Wash U. is tremendous!

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