"Don't let distance be a factor"

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Jan 24, 2009
Once the players get to a certain level, the value of a team practice decreases. On my daughter's past two teams, there have been only 3-5 practices per year. Those players who have frequently not attended practice because of distance have not missed out on the team bonding stuff because the team plays and spends so much time together anyway.

Not saying that's ideal, but once they get to second-year 14U or first-year 16U, and the commitment level to practice on their own is high, it can work.

This describes DD's 16u team. During the winter there was one practice monthly. There has been one outdoor practice since then. (TB practice not allowed during spring HS season in my state.)

Team plays top level ASA and parents/players know each other well as the team roster didn't change from last year. What makes it work is the time that the players put in on their own. Almost every player has a parent who was a former TB coach, several of whom now coach in HS. I definitely agree that the value of team practices at this level is over rated, and mostly not worth the drive except for the face to face social aspect in the off season.

DD absolutely loves how this team operates because she hates long drives for practices.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Once the players get to a certain level, the value of a team practice decreases. On my daughter's past two teams, there have been only 3-5 practices per year. Those players who have frequently not attended practice because of distance have not missed out on the team bonding stuff because the team plays and spends so much time together anyway.

Not saying that's ideal, but once they get to second-year 14U or first-year 16U, and the commitment level to practice on their own is high, it can work.

This is of course especially true if you don't live in one of the 'hotbeds' of softball and want to open up your recruiting options.

The people who do it for 8U/10U/12U are already going over the top in my mind.

I sometimes lose perspective because there is every option available within 45 min of my house. If anything we have distance players coming our way.
Jun 12, 2015
There are a lot of options where I live too. The team thing isn't just about playing well together, for me. I could see how that might become less of a thing as they get older. But it's about the bonds you form with your teammates. Seems like if you only see them at tournaments you wouldn't get much of that. That probably matters less to some people though, who find connections elsewhere.
Oct 10, 2011
I'm getting tired of even driving 45min to an hour 3 times a week...add in practice time and it can be 5 hours in an evening. I couldn't suck it up any more than that LOL..
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
But it's about the bonds you form with your teammates. Seems like if you only see them at tournaments you wouldn't get much of that. That probably matters less to some people though, who find connections elsewhere.

If you're talking about a team that practices frequently, then yes, you'd miss out on that. I'd not want my daughter on a team that practices twice/week two hours away. Not worth it in many ways.

But as I said, my daughter has played on teams that past two years that rarely practiced, and they couldn't be much closer. They're playing out of state right now for a whole week, six to a room. And we're sitting here talking practice? :)
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A lot of the marquee teams in our area have players from a wide geographic area and some from multiple states. Therefore, most of the practices and activities are "optional" and players are asked to make them if they can. Some local tournaments are also option, while qualifiers and nationals are "all hands on deck".

We operate this way. We also play well over 100 games per year, which also aids in building camaraderie and team bonding.
Jun 18, 2013
I'm heading to our first tryout of the year in about an hour and was worried about the fact that practices are going to be around an hour away twice a week for a first year 12U team that is looking to push up to high B-low A level by the end of the second year. You guys are making me feel better in that at least I am not insane in wanting to find group with similar motivation to my DD's. She has told my DW and I on numerous occasions that she wants to play in college so I know that the journey has to start now so we can have her ready to push towards the serious teams by 14U. I just keep getting weird vibes about thinking that far ahead.
Jun 12, 2015
My daughter is finishing up 8U, has her last 8U tournament in PCB next week. So they still do need to practice a good bit.
Apr 28, 2014
We talking about practice?
Not a game....practice. ..
Practice. ... we talking about practice?

One of the most memorable quotes ever.

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