Did she go?

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Aug 20, 2013
Knights, you're reaching. Let it go. As stated above, by ncaa rules, that was not obstruction but rather a great play and an obvious out. As far as the strike zone, that umpire was calling strikes on the outside for Michigan as well. As bad as he was, he was at least consistent.
Jun 22, 2008
FULL DISCLAIMER: I have never umpired NCAA Division I softball or been behind the plate for a pitcher throwing 70 MPH. Low 60s is probably the fastest I've called.

That being said, the number of times in the WCWS where a PU asked for help on a check swing to me borders on the absurd.

I am by no means Superman behind the plate - nor am I saying I am the best blue ever - but by positioning myself in the proper slot position taught to me and reinforced at every umpiring clinic I have attended, I have never had to ask my partner for help on a check swing.

I think the real issue is that too many umpires believe that "she didn't break her wrists, she didn't swing" crap. Funny how these same umpires can make the "she went" call on missed bunts while ostensibly tracking the same pitch at the same speed - but can't see the 3/4 swings so glaringly missed all week in OKC.

Unless the plate umpire is absolutely sure on the swing attempt it should be left to a check with the base umpire. And, the number of check swing appeals you are seeing in the WCWS is a direct result of the rules requiring the umpire to check any time a request is made by the catcher. As for the bunt, if the bat isnt withdrawn by rule it is an attempt.
Jun 18, 2010
Knights, you're reaching. Let it go. As stated above, by ncaa rules, that was not obstruction but rather a great play and an obvious out. As far as the strike zone, that umpire was calling strikes on the outside for Michigan as well. As bad as he was, he was at least consistent.

Let what go? I'm glad to have posted the video because I learned something today, and hopefully others did as well. I thought exchanging information, ideas, and opinions was the purpose of the forum.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Unless the plate umpire is absolutely sure on the swing attempt it should be left to a check with the base umpire. And, the number of check swing appeals you are seeing in the WCWS is a direct result of the rules requiring the umpire to check any time a request is made by the catcher. As for the bunt, if the bat isnt withdrawn by rule it is an attempt.

I agree with you, Comp.

I guess what I was trying to say was that if a schmuck like me can see a check swing from the slot without asking for help, why were there so many times that NCAA's finest :rolleyes: had to ask for help? I know the NCAA rules require asking for help "if you're not sure".

I'm still trying to figure out how a bat going all the way past the plate and almost pointing at the pitcher could require a PU asking for help.

As for the bunts, I was simply (evidently poorly) pointing out that the only way to see the bat not being pulled back would require tracking the pitch to the place where the bat was.

Just grousing out loud, I guess. :cool: