DD is bummed out.

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Oct 19, 2009
DD is bummed out she is a pitcher has the lowest ERA of the 4 pitchers, 1 point lower than the next pitcher on her college team, but has hit a problem with her team making errors costing the team runs and losses behind her. The last 2 games she pitched she lost gave up 9 runs and none of the runs were earned runs.

Early in the season she received a lot press on her success and had a couple articles written on her performance. Then at some point she began express concern because she was getting scored on because of errors, after watching one game, she is 6 hours away and work does not allow many trips to watch her play, outfield dropped 3 routine fly balls, infield threw routine ground balls away and the catcher dropped a routine pop up in fair territory costing a run.

A meeting with the coach the first of the week she was demoted to 3RD in the rotation, coach thought that her spin was so good that the ball comes of the bat funny and this was making the team make the errors. This is not what I saw, but I’m not a college coach either. So his solution is to give her less time in the circle, more of role as a relief pitcher.

They played 2 games yesterday she never got on the field she also has the highest batting average on the team 471 the next highest is 368 she bats when she pitches and DH when she does not pitch, but never pitched or hit in the last 2 games.

She feel she is being blamed for the errors of her team mates are making.

Looking for some feed back. :confused:
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
... outfield dropped 3 routine fly balls, infield threw routine ground balls away and the catcher dropped a routine pop up in fair territory costing a run.

coach thought that her spin was so good that the ball comes of the bat funny and this was making the team make the errors.

So, in one game, you saw 4 routine fly balls and/or popups dropped and multiple bad throws by the infield?

And the coach believes the pitcher is partly to blame?

What you've described is the worst fielding team in the country and an moronic coach. Were there any clues the team was this bad, or the coach this idiotic, before signing with this team?

I'd also be curious to see the stats. Is your daughter facing the same level of competition as the other pitchers, and how does her opponents' batting average, whip, etc., compare. ERA can be deceiving.
Oct 19, 2009
I only saw this one game the other games we were going to was rained out or moved due to wather.

When the other pitcher was brought in it looked like a different team, diving catches and solid defense, DD had been telling me what has been going own, but I thought she was exaggerating.
Dec 19, 2012
DD is bummed out she is a pitcher has the lowest ERA of the 4 pitchers, 1 point lower than the next pitcher on her college team, but has hit a problem with her team making errors costing the team runs and losses behind her. The last 2 games she pitched she lost gave up 9 runs and none of the runs were earned runs.

A meeting with the coach the first of the week she was demoted to 3RD in the rotation, coach thought that her spin was so good that the ball comes of the bat funny and this was making the team make the errors. So his solution is to give her less time in the circle, more of role as a relief pitcher.

They played 2 games yesterday she never got on the field she also has the highest batting average on the team 471 the next highest is 368 she bats when she pitches and DH when she does not pitch, but never pitched or hit in the last 2 games.

She feel she is being blamed for the errors of her team mates are making.

Looking for some feed back. :confused:

Post clipped for emphasis..........

This makes absolutely ZERO sense. Either something else is going on or the coach is a complete buffoon.
Jul 16, 2008
It's a strange animal. In HS there was this pitcher, our team couldn't field when he threw (he was pretty good). I remember 1 game we committed 12 errors that game lost like 9-0, I was scheduled to pitch the next day, we committed 0 errors (like Peppers said, diving catches in the outfield, ect). Won 3-0.

To this day I cannot explain why this happened. He was actually a better pitcher (well threw harder) than I was.

Maybe because she was throwing good, the team relaxed a little in the field?
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Peppers, I'm so sorry this is happening, I've been there personally.

This is a general statement:
Sometimes the ying-yang get out of balance for whatever reason. I've had to make pitching swaps many times because unexplainable, the recipe team wide wasn't cooking correctly. My theory has been that the D get a little too relaxed or a little too aggressive depending on who is in the circle, either way, both can lead to errors. I've seen the defense look like a rec team behind an ace, and in the same game play like MLB behind a #2-3. Probably make a good episode of "The Twilight Zone".

All this ^^^^^^ is not going to make your daughter feel any better, but assure her she's not the only one it happens to. The balance usually corrects itself in short time.


May 16, 2012
New England
Some teams have a different confindence level behind different pitchers, it really isn't right especially at the college level. I saw this same thing several years ago on my oldest DDs 12u team. Three pitchers, each pitcher rotated starts, there wasnt much difference in "stuff" and numbers, but record wise, one pitcher won 50% of her games, another won one game all season and the last didn't win any (not very successful team in the way of winning), Every time the team played behind pitcher #1 it looked like they expected to win, they were "on their toes" had confidence, pitcher #1 also yelled out after each batter the # of outs and where the play would be, ex. "one out infield look 2".
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
DD is bummed out she is a pitcher has the lowest ERA of the 4 pitchers, 1 point lower than the next pitcher on her college team, but has hit a problem with her team making errors costing the team runs and losses behind her. The last 2 games she pitched she lost gave up 9 runs and none of the runs were earned runs.

Early in the season she received a lot press on her success and had a couple articles written on her performance. Then at some point she began express concern because she was getting scored on because of errors, after watching one game, she is 6 hours away and work does not allow many trips to watch her play, outfield dropped 3 routine fly balls, infield threw routine ground balls away and the catcher dropped a routine pop up in fair territory costing a run.

A meeting with the coach the first of the week she was demoted to 3RD in the rotation, coach thought that her spin was so good that the ball comes of the bat funny and this was making the team make the errors. This is not what I saw, but I’m not a college coach either. So his solution is to give her less time in the circle, more of role as a relief pitcher.

They played 2 games yesterday she never got on the field she also has the highest batting average on the team 471 the next highest is 368 she bats when she pitches and DH when she does not pitch, but never pitched or hit in the last 2 games.

She feel she is being blamed for the errors of her team mates are making.

Looking for some feed back. :confused:

I understand your pain. This is the difference between what I call a contact pitcher and a strike out pitcher.

My DD has historically been a contact pitcher. Contact pitchers usually have fewer pitches per inning than a K pitcher and produce quicker turn around in innings by producing weak infield grounders and infield pop ups. However, if a team can not play a routine ball cleanly, then it gets ugly quick. The only way a poor fundamental team like that will survive is to have a K pitcher.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
I understand your pain. This is the difference between what I call a contact pitcher and a strike out pitcher.

My DD has historically been a contact pitcher. Contact pitchers usually have fewer pitches per inning than a K pitcher and produce quicker turn around in innings by producing weak infield grounders and infield pop ups. However, if a team can not play a routine ball cleanly, then it gets ugly quick. The only way a poor fundamental team like that will survive is to have a K pitcher.

One of the local HS teams almost never uses their best pitcher as a pitcher. All their pitchers are contact pitchers. Their fielding is generally pretty bad, but their best pitcher is also first team all-conference SS. So, they are a better team with their #2 pitcher and a great SS than with their #1 pitcher and no D.