Baserunning question

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Apr 13, 2015
We played a team and in a 1st and 3rd situation, sends runner from 1st, she goes in an arc to grass about half way between 1st and 2nd base...if you throw to circle what is ruling on that runner...can she establish a new running lane without being called out....can you then throw to say 2nd baseman and she attempt to apply tag near the base...should runner be out...what is ruling here. Thanks
Sep 29, 2014
I think once the ball is in the circle she just has to continue to second no stopping (although technically she can stop once then immediately go one way or the other) and dancing around unless the pitcher turns and attempts to make a play on her
as far as running lane as long as someone is not making a play on her she does not have a "lane" per se
once the second baseman has the ball and is attempting to make a play she then has a "lane" so to speak that is between her and the base that according to the judgement of the umpire she can't run out of

but this is all the opinion of a layman...just curious to see if I am right...we have professionals that will be answering your question momentarily
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Aug 10, 2010
I am a layman as well, but will take a shot at this. I believe that the runner on first can go anywhere in the field of play after the pitch(even say to shallow right field), but when the ball returns to circle, they must immediately choose a direction either back to first or on to second, and at this time, they create their own base path (direct line to either base). Thinking the same as you djcarter1966!! Waiting now to learn how little I probably know...


Softball DAD
Jan 26, 2014
Whiting, Iowa
If she is way out in right field, if the field ump is watching, once she make a move to either base and the ball is in the circle she has to go. I would have the pitcher pitch and since she is not on base she would be out. My two cents worth.
Jun 22, 2008
Runners are not restricted to a running lane until a play is being attempted on them, and then it is defined as a straight line between them and the base they are attempting to reach.

Per the post above, the pitcher may not pitch while a runner is legitimately off a base.

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