ASA league/travel rules ?

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Feb 3, 2011
It's a bloody joke. ASA is trying to stem the tide of players from rec to TB at the younger and middle ages by creating some pseudo-travel hybrid. Yes, there are people who love All-Stars far more than spring rec and for us in NorCal, the winterball 'B' season was always the best, but ultimately, it seems most coaches always prefer the freedom they get by having their own TB teams, even if they're playing at the B level or lower.

BodegaErik, each association has its own rules for the new program and then there are smaller governing bodies within those associations which may have their own rules, too. So, I can't speak to what your local governing body has set up. Here, however, the B programs are only open to girls within your boundaries, unless special permission is granted on a case-by-case basis. One reason might be school attendance and another is being the sibling of a player who was grandfathered in before the family moved to a different league. This means that a player can sign up to play in whatever rec league she would like, but would generally be limited to the rec portion only.

In the case of smaller leagues which do not have enough interested players for these additional programs, something that was approved a couple of years ago was allowing small leagues to be combined for the purpose of forming summer All-Star or winterball teams in the fall. I do not know whether this provision extended to the select program.

When it's time to move your DD into TB, just do it and avoid the political side of hoping she makes a league's select team.