Anxiety Issues with Teens

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Jan 8, 2013
South Carolina
I know this may be an odd topic, but just looking for any feedback from those of you that have gone thru this with one of your kids. My youngest DD is in the 8th grade and she is the "easiest" of my two daughters. Im not sure if it is because she is getting older and can express herself better, but she has been telling me that she thinks she has anxiety issues. In talking with her I think it is more that just feeling nervous about situations.

She is a straight A student, has a lot of friends, involved in activities, etc. This year one of her teachers told me she thought my daughter "worried" about her grades too much. I am starting to see this as well in her actions. For example, she had a game Friday night and after the game when we got home she went to her room with her book bag. I asked her what she was doing and she said her homework. Now again, this is a Friday night and they are on Spring Break for a week as well. I said don't you want to do that later and just relax…she said no she wanted to do it now.

I don't know where she gets it from because I would surely have blown it off and so would her older sister. As far as playing softball….she said she feels the anxiety coming on in certain situations of the game. She said it happened when she was on third base and the coach told her to be ready to steal home. She is a pitcher, but she says she never feels anxious when pitching which I thought was strange. I do not get on her for errors or walks, etc. I only speak to her about mental errors that she might make during a game. As far as grades go I never say anything to her except I am proud of her so I don't feel like I am putting a lot of pressure on her.

Both of my children do live in a divorce situation and it has been that way since she was about 5. She is with me about 5-6 days a week and her mother about 1-2 days a week. This is mostly because of softball, lessons, travel, etc. I have read some articles and sites online, but I would like to hear from anyone out there that has more knowledge than me on this topic. Thanks!
Nov 29, 2009
She is a pitcher, but she says she never feels anxious when pitching which I thought was strange.

I think that line says a lot about her thought processes. When she is in the circle she feels in control and confident with herself. In most of the other situations she is not fully in control. That may be leading to the anxiety issues. If it gets worse, by all means talk to a professional. Sometimes it's just a phase. A neighbor's DD went through it in her late teens. She was prescribed some medication and has since outgrown it.
Apr 25, 2010
My DD, 15, began having anxiety attacks in the circle when she was 12. At first, we kind of blew it off, telling her to learn to breathe and work through it. Thought she was being a drama queen. Then it began to happen during practice. She now takes an anti anxiety medication and only pitches for HS ball. Said the pressure is too much and she can't wait for next year's freshman class so that she doesn't have to pitch anymore. It's a shame, because she is a very effective pitcher. But it's her game and I would hate to see anxiety rob her of the joy of playing. And it was.
Jan 8, 2013
South Carolina
I think that line says a lot about her thought processes. When she is in the circle she feels in control and confident with herself. In most of the other situations she is not fully in control. That may be leading to the anxiety issues. If it gets worse, by all means talk to a professional. Sometimes it's just a phase. A neighbor's DD went through it in her late teens. She was prescribed some medication and has since outgrown it.

Sparky, good point about feeling in control in the my mind I was thinking about the pressure associated with pitching, etc. I had not thought of it related to "control". Thanks!
Apr 25, 2010
Typically something the adults are saying (could be body language) is making the kid anxious, whether coach, one of the parents/family, or a teacher, or the other group is peers. She needs to work through it, but the coach would have to help or change behavior. (I will gladly help, if a player or parent asks me, as I had to work through it at their age--it is really common in both boys and girls in HS sports. My coaching style is based on keep a calm environment, even while having high standards for work ethic.) The area of anxiety can also change over time, so it needs to be nipped in the bud. School or peer counselor can help. It is the same feeling you get when an outline for a really hard, long project is given to you, with a tight deadline, and you don't believe you will make it.

PS. We play during spring break, so no time off. Kids are doing homework this weekend. Wanting to get ahead on it is precisely what will help now and in college.

So, you're going to tell a kid who can't breathe, who's chest hurts and feels like her heart is going to beat out of her chest, to "work through it"? I can tell you that, for that child, it is a very painful and frightening experience.
Apr 25, 2010
You really are a special person. And thanks for your permission to do what I want. I think working through it may have caused you some permanent brain damage.


Feb 20, 2012
She said it happened when she was on third base and the coach told her to be ready to steal home. She is a pitcher, but she says she never feels anxious when pitching which I thought was strange. I do not get on her for errors or walks, etc. I only speak to her about mental errors that she might make during a game.

Did anyone else read this and wonder WHY is a pitcher running the bases and WHY would any coach ask a pitcher to steal home? not want to make light of your original question, but if my DD's HC asked her to steal home I would come unglued....there is a reason they allow courtesy runners for pitchers and catchers! Do you really want to risk having your pitcher collide with their catcher? REALLY?
Jan 8, 2013
South Carolina
Did anyone else read this and wonder WHY is a pitcher running the bases and WHY would any coach ask a pitcher to steal home? not want to make light of your original question, but if my DD's HC asked her to steal home I would come unglued....there is a reason they allow courtesy runners for pitchers and catchers! Do you really want to risk having your pitcher collide with their catcher? REALLY?

Yeah…I know where you are coming from…DDs new coach this year is a good coach in the sense that he is very good with the girls…he is a football coach that played baseball in high school so there is a learning curve for him with some of this. He will usually get a runner, but for some reason he didn't this game. Actually, there was a collision at the plate when she stole home…it was a delayed steal so she took off when the catcher threw it back to the pitcher…I bet you would have really come unglued with that play!!! DD is supposed to move up to varsity next year when the two pitchers on varsity graduate and the varsity coach doesn't let the pitchers do much besides pitch.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
There are exceptions to any rule. DD#3 is the best 12u base stealer in this area She also pitches. She would be VERY unhappy if a coach told her not to steal home.

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