Already? Travel Trout notices going out...

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Already? Travel Tryout notices going out...

Sheesh, some orgs have no shame. I know I can kind of see the end of the season from here... but not really.

Seen multiple travel tryout dates go out this past week. Including one big org which wants to have them this week which I am sure will go over well with teams who have players show up for them...
Last edited:
Jun 12, 2015
They've been going on for weeks here. I won't lie, we're thinking about what we want to do in the fall. No plans to go to any of these until after the season is over though, if we do decide to make a move. I guess they feel like they have to jump on it early or else the players they want will go w/ the teams who did. It'd be nice if there were some universal agreement to not start tryouts until the season is over in mid to late July.
Nov 29, 2009
It's been getting crazy in the last few years. Before, everyone would wait a few days till after the national tournaments were over. Now, many organizations are having them the day after with some of them having them before. It's become an arms race with everyone trying to get the top prospects early. The majoriity of them is using the hard sell, sign now or there won't be a spot for you on the roster tactics.


witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
I kind of wish they would be early here. We are going to be gone to Nationals when the big orgs have theirs, and whether we are thinking of making a change or not, it's still always good to go through the tryout process. DD likes to gauge her progress against the others, to see what she should be working on and what she's doing well. It's a good litmus test, and after a few times at the rodeo I can honestly say that I have learned that coaches have no problem doing what they think is right for their team, so I have the same right to do what I think is right for my DD. If anyone from DD current team gets their knickers in a twist because of a tryout, they aren't really in the same reality as me.

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Jun 12, 2015
It's been getting crazy in the last few years. Before, everyone would wait a few days till after the national tournaments were over. Now, many organizations are having them the day after with some of them having them before. It's become an arms race with everyone trying to get the top prospects early. The majoriity of them is using the hard sell, sign now or there won't be a spot for you on the roster tactics.

What's funny about that is that as new as we are to travel (2nd year) and to A ball (1st year), even we know that's not true. When we decided to switch teams between fall and spring I posted on our local message board and I swear, we had at least 15 coaches contact us. Some of them knew who my DD was but most didn't, they just knew she was a pitcher/SS from my post. I do NOT like a hard sell. Give me one of those and I'll just go ahead and cross you off the list. It doesn't work on us with car sales and it's not going to work with softball either.


witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
What's funny about that is that as new as we are to travel (2nd year) and to A ball (1st year), even we know that's not true. When we decided to switch teams between fall and spring I posted on our local message board and I swear, we had at least 15 coaches contact us. Some of them knew who my DD was but most didn't, they just knew she was a pitcher/SS from my post. I do NOT like a hard sell. Give me one of those and I'll just go ahead and cross you off the list. It doesn't work on us with car sales and it's not going to work with softball either.
Sounds cliché, but just you wait...

As your DD gets older, the pool gets smaller and the talent gets better. The coveted spots on elite teams become a free-for-all, and There. Will. Be. Blood.

Hard sell from coaches, private tryouts from elite players. Heck, around here, by the time tryouts roll around for the bigger orgs, those teams are already full and it's mostly for show. Deals will be made, promises will be given. People will be disillusioned again come June-July, and the whole vicious process will begin with new energy.

Oh and you'll have an emotional teenager on your hands, too. So, you know, it's awesome.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Jun 12, 2015
Sounds cliché, but just you wait...

As your DD gets older, the pool gets smaller and the talent gets better. The coveted spots on elite teams become a free-for-all, and There. Will. Be. Blood.

Hard sell from coaches, private tryouts from elite players. Heck, around here, by the time tryouts roll around for the bigger orgs, those teams are already full and it's mostly for show. Deals will be made, promises will be given. People will be disillusioned again come June-July, and the whole vicious process will begin with new energy.

Oh and you'll have an emotional teenager on your hands, too. So, you know, it's awesome.

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That does not sound fun. My kid at the ripe old age of 9 aspires to be a chef. I don't know if she'll even go to college. So I'm not too worried about all that right now! Lol
Feb 15, 2013
In the last 2 weeks the manager and I have been contacted over a dozen times by different people asking if we have room on our team. Received calls about 18U next year, if we will have a 10U, who is managing.... Early bird gets the worm and in this case early tryouts get the pitcher needed to push them over the top.

In my area the grass is always greener on the other side, so securing a roster in July allows money to be committed to tournaments in September.

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