6U travel?

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Frost Falcons win Border Wars in Alabama.

Is 6U too early? Or are these girls just having fun? I don't know how many tournaments they play, or where they go.

Interesting, if nothing else.

May 10, 2016
Just from seeing their organization and playing them in 8u, I would say it's not too early. They are having fun and they are obviously learning a ton about the game. They are extremely competitive throughout their organization. If girls/parents didn't want to take it to that level they have the option of rec ball. If there is a hunger for advanced play, I say go get 'em!
May 7, 2008
My granddaughter is 6. She hits and pitches and throws over hand very well. I cannot image that these girls can even protect themselves from a line drive.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Just from seeing their organization and playing them in 8u, I would say it's not too early. They are having fun and they are obviously learning a ton about the game. They are extremely competitive throughout their organization. If girls/parents didn't want to take it to that level they have the option of rec ball. If there is a hunger for advanced play, I say go get 'em!

My first concern would be burn out. Will a kid who starts traveling at 6 still have a love for the game at 12 and 14?

But, then again, as long as a girl has fun along the way, does it matter? If some of them quit, maybe they'll find something else fun to do.
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Jun 12, 2015
If they're having fun, whatever. It's hard to imagine that many 6 year olds who really want to play 3+ games in a day though. There is a huge difference even between 6 and 8. As much as my DD loves softball I can't imagine she'd have had the drive or attention span for travel at 6. But hey, if it's working for them I guess why not. My concern would be less about burn out (because honestly if they do decide to quit at 10 or 12 or 14, so what?) and more about repetitive stress injuries. I'm already concerned about that. And it seems the younger you start them the more at risk they would be.

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