10U Rec Parents...

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Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Nothing I would say to her is suitable for posting. You don't owe her an explanation. If she can't figure out that being late and missing practice is reason enough to give another rec girl some reps then nothing you say will help her understand.

There isn't a font big enough for the AMEN I say to this...

I went back to 8U rec this year since DD is going to college in the fall...wanted to start over and stay in the game that has brought the family such joy (and heartache at times :p)...one and done (at least in rec)...I'm horrified at the entitlement mentality, which is exponentially worse (my perception) than 10 years ago when DD started...
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Eric F - I explained my strategy on the batting order to the girls before the game, and I reiterated it in front of the parents after the game. She just texted me and said she is contacting the head of our league and pulling her daughter.

Good riddance, I say. Feel bad for the kids but you certainly don't need the Dragon...
Oct 3, 2009
Eric F - I explained my strategy on the batting order to the girls before the game, and I reiterated it in front of the parents after the game. She just texted me and said she is contacting the head of our league and pulling her daughter.

That is an absolute blessing for you. You did the right thing and just keep reinforcing in practice. Those that make practice and those that show up on time will be rewarded. This age level is about learning the game. And part of learning the game is making practices and games on time and not only that you cannot learn the game if you are not at practice.

Somebody really said it best about making one or two parents mad that do not show up or the other seven or eight sets of parents who do the right thing. Good for you and hope things work out for you!
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Eric F - I explained my strategy on the batting order to the girls before the game, and I reiterated it in front of the parents after the game. She just texted me and said she is contacting the head of our league and pulling her daughter.

Wow. That's setting a pretty bad example for her DD.

In that situation, I would be inclined to respond with something like...
"I'm sorry to hear this news, and it's too bad that you feel that this is your best option. We have really enjoyed having your daughter as part of our team. From a coach's perspective, please understand that most of the girls on this team show up to practices every time, show up to games on time, and put in a lot of effort to improve their skills. Many of them have improved a lot, and are continuing to improve every day. Their dedication to this team - and to their own improvement - earns them consideration for playing the positions they want to play. Your daughter is a talented player, but talent alone is not the only determination for my decision about position and place in the batting order. Softball at this level is more about helping players improve their skills than it is about winning. I wish your daughter all the best for her future, and I hope you can find a place for her that fits your needs."
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
[/QUOTE] Players are put in an order that we (the coaches) think will be the most productive for our team to score runs. Sometimes that includes putting good-hitting players deep in the order to help get production out of the whole lineup, not just the top half.

Excellent analogy....
I try to stagger the talent throughout the whole line up and not all top heavy.
Feb 12, 2014
You did the right thing and the parent is doing you a HUGE favor if she simply pulls the kid off your team. Continue to handle it well because now the kids are watching you.
Oct 22, 2009
10U rec parents are the WORST (followed closely by 10U TB parents! :p).

When I coached rec, I set the batting order by the order in which the kids showed up to the game. Did it for every rec team I ever coached, 8U up to 14U. Saved me a great deal of headaches since the best players usually showed up early anyway, and the prima donna parents only had themselves to blame for where their kid was batting.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Rec league where you are tends to be a lot different from rec league here.

Here, at least at the 10u level, there are rules that EVERY girl must play EVERY game, and that EVERY girl must play at least one inning in the infield and at least one inning in the outfield. It is not only considered proper for girls to play different positions, it is mandatory. DD #1 played every position except P, C, and 1B, while DD #3 played EVERY position.

Now, there may be a good reason why a girl is late or misses practice. Of course, it is a LOT better if the coach is notified ahead of time.

It turns out the practice was a good time to teach some other girls a new position. This is a rec league game. Why shouldn't any girl who has taken the time to learn a position have the chance to play it?