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  1. 3

    Player ejected

    "Catcher jumps on top of her to prevent her from getting to plate trying to pin her down " .... that could be malicious contact too ... eject them both?
  2. 3

    Infield Fly Rule fun

    definitely not an infield fly as it could not be caught with ordinary effort. " If the umpire called Infield fly immediately the Runners would have stayed on the base. " - I've called 20+ yrs and have rarely, if ever, seen the baserunners hear the IFF call and react accordingly.
  3. 3

    Runner for an injury?

    Not true ... you can sub for any player. Sounds like the original question was actually asking about a courtesy runner - that is a NO.
  4. 3

    Bat hits ball twice

    or in this case --> on a bunt attempt if the batter attempts the bunt and the ball goes straight down and immediately bounces up and hits the bat --> foul ball
  5. 3

    How should this one be ruled/

    That sound like OBS, not INT.
  6. 3

    Grand Slam Celebration called out

    That's rule doesn't exist in any rule set I know of ...
  7. 3

    Ground-rule Triple?

    no such thing as a ground rule triple!
  8. 3

    what is the correct call

    If in the umpire's judgment the 2B had a chance to make an out on the play, then he could have INT. If in the umpire's judgment the 2B had no chance to make an out on the play, then play on ............
  9. 3

    Should this be an error?

    Why wouldn't it be correct? The ball should have been caught to retire the batter ... but it wasn't.
  10. 3

    Foul ball question

    Thats OK ... a runner can tag up on any fly ball, fair or foul.
  11. 3

    Can batter/runner over run 1b on base on balls

    "turning left" (or right) has nothing to do with any rule ...
  12. 3

    Can batter/runner over run 1b on base on balls

    why out? the runner never stopped, never returned to 1b so the look back rule never came into play.
  13. 3

    Can batter/runner over run 1b on base on balls

    A batter that is walked can indeed round first, stop, then return to 1st base when the P has the ball in the circle. At this point she is like any other baserunner - they can all stop once in between bases when the P has the ball in the circle, but after stopping they must "immediately" proceed...
  14. 3

    Can batter/runner over run 1b on base on balls

    yes ... and when returning to 1B she can turn to the left or right, can use fair or foul territory.
  15. 3

    Base path question for rundown 1b to 2b

    Comp is correct.
  16. 3

    Base path question for rundown 1b to 2b

    not true ... unless avoiding a tag the runner can take any path she wants
  17. 3

    Interference from a base coach?

    the ump can't and shouldn't "position a player" ... players can play where ever they chose ... however, and of course, the ump should administer all rules correctly ... thats his/her job and thats what they are paid for ... not coaching
  18. 3

    Interference from a base coach?

    if it went down as you say she should have been ejected ... and OBS called of course
  19. 3

    Interference from a base coach?

    Agree! Coaches like that just send them away ...
  20. 3

    Infield Fly Rule

    The rule has the "with ordinary effort" piece ... you can't (shouldn't) just ignore that. The little popup that lands between 3 players is the perfect example. "If ball goes up I think it should be called." - definitely disagree with that ... that's the lazy way out IMO.

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